
After 10 years supporting families as a childminder, I chose to help even further upstream.
Because I became aware, through my own maternity wards, of the breadth of the path that remains to be covered so that women, births and children are respected in France. 
I realized, upon becoming a mother, that what I pass on to my children (whether on an emotional, educational level, through the food I offer them or the values I share with them) is foundational for the rest of their lives.
I also understood that it is neither harmless to give birth nor necessarily simple to flourish in this new role.
I realized how much society trivializes this new status without giving the tools or providing the attention, care and kindness that future and new mothers need in order to feel supported, competent or even simply in good shape and in good health (physical, psychological, emotional and mental). So, I wanted to do something.

To inform, to support, to make my modest contribution. And perhaps (who knows?) to raise awareness in order to make tomorrow more beautiful.


I am Céline!

Bye bye toxic company

After sevra bad experiences in the cosmetic marketing industry, I decide to leave the corporate world. 



I didn’t want to entrust my children during the first years of their lives, so I became a childminder and I grew up in contact with the children in care.

novembeR, 2014

I become a mom

I discover motherhood and all the inner turmoil that it generates: the great joys, the anxieties, the responsabilities, the loneliness sometimes. It shows me what's worth it in life and my priorities change. I will have 2 more children in 2016 and 2020. 

JUNE, 2014


I decide to reconvert myself so as to live a life that looks more and more like me. It is the beginning of a long series of training and deep evolutions: I study nutrition and naturopathy. I train in the profession of doula. And I begin to support families. All this is deeply nourishing and fulfilling to me.



Covid &

My last pregnancy and postpartum take place in confinement. I put myself in my bubble, I read, I question about the kind of birth and motherhood that make sense to me. I call on a doula. I want to be respected and for my baby to be respected. This is the beginning of a global thinking about the professional activity I want to pursue next.

First of all, SPRING means SOURCE. In this way, it is a nod to the women who carry life and who are the ORIGIN of humankind. 

By extension, SPRING refers to the season, to the RENEWAL, matrescence that most women experience when the become mothers.
It is this period of such upsetting MUTATION that I have chosen to support so that you feel less lonely in what you are going through.

SPRING also refers to the act of jumping, of BEING PROPELLED something new, unknown. And for some, the discovery of pregnancy and motherhood is far from what they imagined and can sometimes be brutal. Becoming a mother is a discovery and every woman deserves to be supported during this founding period.

SPRING is elasticity, FLEXIBILITY: a nice symbol of letting go that is sometimes necessary (even beneficial) in parenting journeys.

Mamas' Spring






You will have understood, MAMAS' SPRING symbolizes for me this full entry into motherhood and I am here to help all the mothers who will feel in tune with who I am, with my values and the support that I offer to facilitate this great passage.

I imagined MAMAS' SPRING as a RESOURCE SPACE for ALL MOMS (those who dream of being moms, those in the process of becoming one, those who already are) & the people who are by their side during the perinatal period.
In this space, everyone could become a mother and choose what suits them: a warm, gentle, caring presence, listening, support, information.

- Doula - Support during the perinatal period & throughout life, Centre Galanthis
- Signatory of the Doulas De France charter

- Rituel du Bain Sensoriel ® - Baby Sensory Bath ambassador, Être femme, naître maman

- Rebozo transmission, care and movement, by Anne Belargent (in progress)

- Organizer & facilitator of red tents, circles & workshops

My training

Perinatal care

- Naturopathic Health Practitioner, CENATHO (in progress) 

- Training in healthy nutrition, Hygie Académie

Nutrition & Naturopathy

4 values that matter to me

Freedom to dispose of one’s body, informed consent, redefinition of gender roles ...


ECOLOGY (at large): 
Awareness and respect for one’s own ecosystem in addition to that of the planet


Highlighting intuition, prioritizing connection…



Indignation at injustices (discrimination, violence, dehumanization …)

discover my services